We will have two check-in times for the 2017 show as noted below:
1) 7am early check-in: For those wanting to attend the Goodwill Donation breakfast at the
Firehouse like we had in 2016. Great breakfast and they welcome your donations.
2) 9am check-in: Our normal check-in for the show for those not attending the breakfast.
Check-in will be open from 7am to 11am, so come anytime you like.
This is a participant voting show. We are familiar with the arguments between participant voting vs. a judged show. There are pros and cons to each. What we have done is developed a process to make our participant voting show the fairest possible. While it may not be perfect, it is better than others. For more information on the process, you can visit our "Awards" page.
Your participant voting cards are in your goody bag. Participant voting "officially" begins at 9:30am. All voting cards must be completed and turned in by 12:00pm at the Information Booth. Ballots received after this time may not be counted.
Every vehicle that enters will be automatically entered into our door prize raffle. Your vehicle entry number is your raffle number. Starting at 10:00 am the day of the show, we will start pulling raffle numbers. We will do this every half hour with our final drawing at 1:00. Please refer to the "Raffles" page for more details.
50/50 RAFFLE:
The 50/50 Raffle will be back. The winner's share for the past several years has been running above the four-figure mark (over $1,000.00). Refer to the "Raffles" page for more information.
For this year's show we will have a puzzle. Each puzzle has four pieces. One side of the puzzle provides the instructions for the game. The other side is the puzzle piece itself. Each puzzle consists of four pieces to complete the puzzle. Each puzzle is a vehicle of some kind. Your job is to talk and work with other car show attendees to find the other three missing puzzle pieces. Once you have found all four people/pieces that match and complete the puzzle, all of you need to go to the game booth to claim your prize.
This will not be an easy task and of course is optional. We just ask all players to assist other players if asked about your puzzle piece even if you are not activity playing. There will be three winning teams of four in total. The first team to complete a puzzle will each win a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card. the 2nd team will each win a $20.00 gift card, and third place will be a $15.00 gift card. Do note that every game piece will be unique and that there is no duplication of puzzles. Only the first 252 registered attendees will receive a puzzle piece. The puzzle piece will be randomly selected and provided to you or placed in your goody bag at the time of check-in/registration.
Our silent auction will be back this year with some great items to bid on. Not sure yet what we will have or how many items, but there is sure to be something for everyone. The silent auction will open starting at 7:00am the day of the show and will close at 1:30pm. For more information and rules to bid, refer to the "Raffles" page for more information.
We plan to have plenty of food available. While unknown at this time, there is a high probability that the following will be available in 2025 and will be the same as it was at the 2024 show:
* Firehouse Breakfast: 7:00am to 9:00am or until the food runs out. Menu and pricing TBD
* Grill: opens at 10:00am and plans to serve hot dogs, burgers, and Pulled BBQ Pork Sandwiches.
* O'Knappy's Kitchen: Open all hours during the show serving comfort food.
* The Coatesville Food Store will have various breakfast sandwiches, lunch sandwiches, pizza and more.
Of course, our show would not be what it is without our handmade awards. At this time, we are not sure what the design will be, but we can guarantee you they will once again be one of a kind and cool. We wish everyone could get one because every car is worthy, unfortunately it just does not work that way.
However, last year we did introduce our Participation Award to everyone that pre-registered for the show. In 2025 we will award them again to all of those that register in advance. Whether you like them or not, it really is our way of saying thank you for coming to our show and participating in it. We really appreciate everyone.
Those that wonder why everyone does not receive one, that is because they are personalized and if you are not pre-registered, we do not know who else is coming to the show on show day.
We will have music (and announcements) coming through our sound system which can be heard throughout the show venue. This year's music program will be all 1950's and 1960's music. We will kick off with the year 1954 and move through the years to 1969. A copy of our music list is provided below in the order they will be played.