Every vehicle that enters will be automatically entered into our door prize raffle. Your vehicle entry number is your raffle number. Starting at 10:00 am the day of the show, we will start pulling approximately 20 raffle numbers. We will do this every half hour at 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, and our final drawing at 1:00. We will post the winning numbers on our whiteboard at the Raffle Booth inside the Community Building. We will also announce them on our sound system. Once a number is drawn, it will be active for 90 minutes. If unclaimed after 90 minutes, that number will be voided, and new numbers will be pulled in its place at one of the later drawings. Example, if we call your winning number at 11:00am, you will have until 12:30pm to claim your raffle prize
We will have our silent auction with great items and experiences up for bid. Our silent auction will open at 7:00am. Be sure to check it out and bid on any items that appeal to you. If bid on any items, be sure to check back and increase your bid if you have been outbid. The staff personnel are not allowed to contact anyone with an alert when/if a bidder has been outbid. It is the bidder's responsibility to monitor any auction in which they are participating. All auction sales are payable by cash or check. Sorry, no credit cards.
Silent Auction Rules:
1) If you are the first bidder for an item, you must bid at least the minimum bid shown or a higher bid.
2) If increasing a bid, you must bid the minimum of the incremental amount when increasing a bid.
3) Failure to correctly abide by the above two rules may result in your bid being cancelled by the staff.
4) Complete all information requested on the bid sheet. We need to know how to reach you if you win.
5) If no contact information is given and we cannot reach you, the next bidder will be deemed the winner.
6) If you have already left the event when we contact you, we will hold your item for up to two weeks.
7) Items can be scheduled for pickup in town within two weeks of the show's conclusion (by Aug 3rd).
8) We will not mail, ship, or deliver any items unless pre-arranged with the show coordinator prior to bidding.
Promptly at 1:30pm, all bid sheets will be pulled by the silent auction personnel and the auction will officially be closed. Once each bid sheet is pulled, that is it and no more bids will be permitted. The personnel will determine winners and will start making contact immediately. If you are a bidder, it is suggested you check back with them at 1:40pm to see if you won. Winners will be contacted by phone and a message will be left. As noted above, you will need to contact us to plan to pick up your item at a later date in town, but all items must be picked up by Saturday, August 3rd.
50/50 RAFFLE:
The 50/50 Raffle will be back. As always, registration will have various bundle packets available at a discounted price during the period that registration is open. The Information Booth will also be selling tickets. At 9:30 am, those registration discounted packets will end. Starting at 10:00am, we will have a couple of people selling tickets around the event with new incentives.
For the past few years, the winner of the 50/50 raffle has taken home over $1,000.00.
In 2022, the winner took home around $1,350.00.
In 2023, the winner took home around $1,100.00.
In 2024, the winner's share again was over $1,000.00
Note that we do have an event gaming license issued through the Indiana State Gaming Board each year which is posted and visible at the Information Booth.