Coatesville Downtown Revitalization Semi Annual Update
This is the Coatesville Downtown Revitalization (CDR) Semi-Annual Update. We plan to publish this at least twice per year. This update includes activities and/or revitalization activities the CDR is working on. We will also update you on other efforts that are underway that we are aware of and may not be involved with along with others that we are partnering on. The last update provided you some conceptual designs of what the town could look like. If you missed that update, you can click HERE to review it.
The CDR sponsors and coordinates several events throughout the year which can be broken into one of two following categories.
1. FUNDRAISING: Some of the events we do help us raise money for revitalization efforts such as the annual

car show and Spaghetti Dinner. Other means are grants when they are available to apply for, and of course

donations are always welcome.
2. COMMUNITY: Other activities we put on are normally free activities (some with a donation optional) to bring

the community together. It's nice to have a sense of community and activities like movie night and Bingo are

designed for exactly this reason.
Before we get started with the update, if you feel you would like to get involved with the CDR and help us plan activities, help with grants and/or fundraising, or have suggestions for new activities or ways to fundraise, you are always welcome. We can always use more help. We always meet the second Thursday of each month at the Community Building in Coatesville at 7pm. These meetings are always open to the public. Come meet us and get involved if you have the time, or just simply come sit in on a meeting and hear what we are planning.
Now on to the semi-annual update. This will be broken down into three categories.
1) Activities and Events for 2017 and 2018

a) Includes CDR events

b) Includes non-CDR events that we are aware of
2) Revitalization Efforts in Process

a) CDR in Partnership with the Town

b) Town specific activities
3) Planned/Future Revitalization Efforts
We will start first with Activities and Events that are being brought to you by the CDR as well as some events that are not CDR related, but that we know about and we will point those out. Please note that all activities for 2017 are already planned. More details on these events will be coming as we approach the event. Flyers for these events will be available in many of your local Main Street businesses including: The HairHut & Boutique, Still Here Liquors, Pam's Place, US Post Office (posters will be posted), O'Knapppy's Kitchen, Fleurs de Beausoleil, and Town Hall (in the Rack). This information including contests will be available on and will be posted on the Town of Coatesville Facebook page. You must register for any contests during the open registration dates. Our Contests page will allow you to register online for all contest during the active registration dates.
23rd: Movie Night Featuring “The Rookie”
30th: Movie Night Featuring “Finding Nemo”
Note: These last two movies will be shown at the Methodist Church on Milton north of Hadley. Movies start at

8pm and will be out back behind the church.
1st - 30th: Our Annual Scarecrow Contest.
More details available online or at your local businesses soon. In the meantime, we've covered as much as we can here. This year there will be one prize category: 1st = $100, 2nd = $75, and 3rd = $50. You must register by leaving a message at 765-386-2780 on or after Oct 1st or you can register on-line at The contest is free. The CDR is not responsible for lost or missing items. We suggest you do not use expensive or sentimental items in your display.
Key Dates:

Oct 1st: Registration Opens and displays can be set up on this date

Oct 15th: Registration Closes

Oct 22nd: All scarecrow displays must be in place

Oct 23rd: Judging begins

Oct 30th: Judging Concludes

Oct 31st: Winners announced at 6:30 at Bousley's Monument Shop after the Story

Nov 3rd: All scarecrows must be removed by this date.
15th - 30th: First Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest:
No need to bring your pumpkin to town. This will be a Facebook contest. The pumpkin receiving the most "Likes" on Facebook will be deemed the winner. Participants will post a photo of their pumpkin on the Town of Coatesville Facebook page. Photos of the pumpkin must be taken during daylight hours. Each "Like" is counted as a vote. The pumpkin with the most votes (Likes) will receive a basket full of chocolate treats. We will contact the winner and announce it on Facebook.
Key Dates: Pictures can be loaded beginning October 15th and voting begins and concludes end of day on the

30th. Winner will be contacted and also announced following the winner of the Scarecrow Contest.
31st: Halloween in Coatesville:
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Halloween Night at the Firehouse. Plenty of ghouls and treats for all. The public is welcome.
6:00 pm: CDR Halloween Story Reading at Bousley's Monument Shop for the kids. Contest winners will be

announced following the story reading.
11th: BINGO!
Bingo night returns in November for four months. Starting at 6pm at the Coatesville Community Building. Games conclude at approx. 8pm. Donations welcome and help us to provide the prizes for the Bingo winners.
17th & 18th: Christmas in Coatesville - Shop Local Businesses
Prior to the big Thanksgiving weekend, Coatesville businesses will be open extended hours until 6pm for you to get a jump start on your holiday gift purchases. Be sure to come out and shop local.
17th: Coatesville in Coatesville - Christmas Tree Lighting
Join us at 6:30 pm for the annual Christmas Tree lighting. Refreshments will be available and Christmas Carols will be sung. Activities following the lighting will take place in the park if weather is nice and tolerable, otherwise the post lighting activities will move into the Community Building. We had a great time with a great turnout last year. Members of the Methodist and Christian Church choirs joined us last year and I think some of them will be back this year.
18th: Christmas in Coatesville - Vendor Shopping
Various vendors will be available in the Community Building from 9am to 5pm selling various and unique items. Several will probably be handcrafted. Be sure to check them out.
1st - 20th: Our First Snowman Contest
This will work just the same as the Scarecrow Contest also displayed on the Library grounds, but will end about 10 days sooner. Use your creativity to create your snowman display. We don't expect you to use real snow, but if the weather turns and snow is available, knock yourself out. Prizes are as follows: 1st = $100, 2nd = $75, and 3rd = $50. You must register by leaving a message at 765-386-2780 on or after Dec 1st or you can register on-line at The contest is free. The CDR is not responsible for lost or missing items. We suggest you do not use expensive or sentimental items in your display.
Key Dates:

Dec 1st: Registration Opens and displays can be set up on this date

Dec 10th: Registration Closes

Dec 13nd: All snowman displays must be in place

Dec 14th: Judging begins

Dec 19th: Judging Concludes

Dec 20th: Winners will be contacted and announced on Facebook.

Dec 22nd: All snowman displays must be removed by this date.
1st - 20th: Holiday House Lighting Contest
Back by popular demand is the house lighting contest. You must opt into the voting process by letting us know you want your home eligible for judging. You can do that by leaving a message at 765-386-2780 on or after Dec 1st with your address or you can register on-line at The contest is free. Winning home owners will be contacted on December 22nd and will be presented with a nice holiday gift (this is not a monetary award contest). Your home will be featured on our Facebook page (at your permission) and a yard sign will be placed in your yard identifying your home as one of the winners. And the biggest prize of all is the bragging rights that go with winning for the whole year.
Key Dates:

Dec 1st: Registration Opens

Dec 10th: Registration Closes

Dec 13nd: All holiday light displays must be in place

Dec 14th: Judging begins

Dec 19th: Judging Concludes

Dec 20th: Winners will be contacted.
16th: BINGO!
Our second Bingo night of the year, this one is usually our most popular. Starts at 6pm at the Community Building and games end at approx 8pm. This is the Bingo event where we have our ugly sweater contest, so be sure, so be sure to wear your ugliest, worst, or even best sweater and try to win one of three trophies.
Dates are subject to Change
January 20th: BINGO!
February 20th: BINGO! w/Trivia
March 31st: Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Coatesville Methodist Church
April 28th: Annual Spaghetti Dinner
May 12th: Coatesville Car Cruise-in (Trophies for top 3)
June 9th: Coatesville Car Cruise-in (Trophies for top 3)
July 14th: Coatesville Car Cruise-in (Trophies for top 3)
July 21st: Our 6th Annual Cruisin' In Coatesville Car Show & Street Fair
August 11th: Coatesville Car Cruise-in (Trophies for top 3)
September 8th: Coatesville Car Cruise-in (Trophies for top 3)
October 1-30th: Annual Scarecrow Contest
October 31st: Coatesville Halloween
November 10th: BINGO!
November 16th-17th: Christmas in Coatesville
December 1st: Chili with Santa
December 15th: BINGO!
Other Tentative Events without a date
First Responders Appreciation Event
Coatesville Pastor's Appreciation Event
Town Riddle Scavenger Hunt
Cartoons/Movie Nights
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Snowman Contest
Holiday House Lighting Contest
NOTE ON THE ABOVE: Movie Nights we are testing to see if our time and location change for the last two movies increase interest before deciding to bring it back. The Pumpkin Carving Contest, Snowman Contest, and Holiday House Lighting Contests are new for 2017. We are waiting to see how successful these contests are in 2017 before confirming them for 2018.
Now that's a full list of activities and events you can choose from. As you can see, Coatesville is not just a sleepy town, we are active and have lots to do. We encourage you to come out to all or any event that aligns with your interest. We strongly encourage you to come out to our two large fundraising events which are the Spaghetti Dinner and the Car Show. For the car show we have free events that spectators can compete in and anyone attending could win trophy. So please come out and support us so we can continue to provide you these events.
As you know, many revitalization efforts are costly and it takes time to raise the required money. In many cases grants are available and we (the CDR & the Town) do apply for them when available. Sometimes, especially for the big dollar grants, the process is time consuming and we have a lot of paperwork to prepare to be considered for a grant. In some cases, it could take a year or more to be approved, so please bear with us and the town. Things will change, but won't overnight. We have a lot we want to do, but sometimes emergency situations arise which must be rectified which could further delaying potential improvements.
Improvement #1: The Pocket Park
This project is being spearheaded by the town with key members of the CDR. Work has started on the park which will be located at Milton and Main Streets in the grassy area behind the white building on the northeast corner of this intersection. In fact, this park should be open very soon. As you know, the town is old and we are never sure what we will find underground from the early days of the town. The ground has been prepared and there are a few delays, but the equipment is on site and will hopefully be up and running by early October if not sooner. Following the playground equipment install will be two 12' x 16' shelters. Date to be determined on when these will be constructed, but all monies have been raised and provided to the town. The CDR paid for one shelter and several of your local churches have paid for the second shelter. Recognition of those who donated will placed on a plaque that will be installed on each of the two shelters at some point after they have been installed.
Improvement #2: Upgrade of the sewer plant and lift system
This one being driven by the town and is in process. We are awaiting confirmation on how much grant money we will be awarded. Many of you may recall that some folks came around to homes conducting an income survey. Not every household was chosen since it was a random computer selection. We appreciate everyone who participated. That survey could mean the difference on receiving an additional $100k in grant money which would be above and beyond what the grant would have awarded. Work will begin once the grant is approved and the grant money to be awarded is confirmed. The grant money will hopefully cover up to 50% of the cost of the upgrades. The current system is antiquated and needs an upgrade. More to come on that, but I understand we should be receiving confirmation on that very soon.
Improvement #3: Vandalia Trail
The most obvious improvement is the Vandalia Trail. If you've been through town, you've seen all the work occurring along the trail. Hendricks County Parks is coordinating the improvement with oversight of the town for the portion coming through the Coatesville town limits. The improvements include a paved bike path, equestrian trail, public restrooms, and more. Construction is ongoing, but approaching the end of the section between Coatesville and Amo.
Plan #1: Police Station
First, the town has replaced the old patrol car with a newer one. It's not a revitalization effort, but the car and the station are worth mentioning here so you understand all the changes going on in town. Actually, you could consider the station a revitalization effort. The current town garage will have an add-on extension of a 30' x 30' garage which will store the new car and act as the police station. This could be in place as early as the end of 2017. It is also worthy to add that Coatesville has hired two additional reserve officers, so you should be seeing more of a police presence about town, so be sure to watch your speed and obey those stop signs!
Plan #2: Main Street Upgrades
As mentioned last month, our main target is to revitalize the Main Street district. Before this can be done, underground drainage needs to be replaced. That is still in the planning stage and will come after the sewer plant updates. No real improvements can take place until the underground drainage is replaced and brought up to date. The plan on this one is to take advantage of the ground being open (opposed to doing it twice) and do all the underground wiring at the same time of the drainage improvements. Less costly to do it this way and the wiring we speak of would be for new lamp posts up and down Main Street. More to come as we hear more on this one.
Plan #3: Signage Improvements
This is something the CDR is investigating. Improved signage and ways to attract business into town. One item we are researching is the potential of the CDR purchasing some full color video screens that can be placed out on SR-75 to advertise events and the businesses. For those of you that go down US-36, this would be like the new Danville High School Sign that recently went in. We are researching the potential to do this, how it would work, and placement. More to come.
I hope you find this update to be helpful. We may not have covered everything and may have forgotten a couple of smaller items, but those are certainly the high points. Should you ever have any questions on anything the CDR is doing, please ask on our Town of Coatesville Facebook page, ask a member of the CDR, or come to a CDR Meeting as referenced earlier in this message. To find out what is happening in town, feel free to come to one of the Town Hall Meetings which are held the first Monday of the month at Town Hall at 7pm (the following Monday if the first Monday falls on a holiday). These are always open to the public.
Thank you your for all of your support. Special thanks to all of our volunteers. Without you we could not provide these events to the community.
Steven Schultz
President, Coatesville Downtown Revitalization