Countdown Timer

Q:    Our most popular question that we get constantly is "who builds your awards"?

A:    You'd think it might be a group of people, but the plain and simple answer is it's just one person, our Show
        Coordinator, Steven Schultz. He came up with the idea years ago and does a new design and creates each
        and every trophy by himself in his shop. He spends most of the year building them and starts designing the
        next year's show trophies right after the current show ends. All time and materials are donated by Steven. 

        Steven is also a Graphic Designer. He designs all of the creatives from the dash plaques to the flyers and
        the t-shirt to boot. He is also a Web Developer having designed this website and the one for the town. And
        of course he is the Show Coordinator. He spends the whole year planning, designing, creating, fundraising,
        getting sponsors, securing raffle and silent auction donations, and more. All of this is done on his own time
        and many times on his own dime for one reason only, to execute and bring you the best car show possible.
        Everything you see from the show layout, the community building set-up, the music program, etc., is all
        Steven. However, he relies heavily on his 50 or so volunteers on show day to execute all tasks of the show. 

Q:    What time is the awards ceremony start?

A:    The schedule of awards is as follows: 
        (Note: The awards will take place in front of the Community Building)

            2:00pm:   Awards Distribution Begins (could begin as early as 1:45pm)
            2:30pm:   The Awards will conclude around 2:30pm. Immediately following the awards ceremony, the 
                            drawing for our 50/50 Raffle will be held and once the winner is announced, the show will

Q:    How will I know if I won an award?

A:    We will announce all of the winners one-by-one during the scheduled awards ceremony. If you are not 
        present and had to leave early, we will contact you within 72 hours following the show to arrange a way to
        get it to you. You can also have a friend accept it on your behalf if you will not be present for the awards. 

Q:    Is this a Judged Show or a Participant’s Choice Voting?

A:    This is a Participant Choice voting event. 

Q:    I don’t like Participant Voting Shows. How is yours different?

A:    Yes, we are well aware of the pros and cons of participant voting vs. judged shows. This has been a long
        time debate amongst car enthusiasts for years. We may not have perfected participant voting, we have
        developed a specialized process to make our participant voting the fairest it can be. If you are a participant,
        we ask that you do not vote on your own car. If you are part of a car club, we prefer that you do not vote on
        other club members cars. If you do, we have a way to check this on the backend when we tally the votes.
        If we discover straight club voting, we reserve the right to cap the club cars to no more than 30% receiving
        an award. We request that everyone abide by this process so as not to waste any of your votes.  

Q:    What kind of awards do you have?

A:    All of our awards are designed and handmade for our event. They take a good part of the year to create. 
        We typically have more than 75 awards that will be given out each year. Below is a sample list of our 
        awards which could change each year. Any changes would typically be to the Specialty Awards.

       Top Awards
           1) Top 50 Cars
           2) Top 10 Trucks
           3) Top 3 Motorcycles 
           4) Top 3 Side-by-Sides  
           5) Top 3 Tractors 

       Specialty Awards
           1) Kids Choice 
           2) Police Chief's Pick
           3) Fire Chief's Pick
           4) J.W. Decker Classic Award
           5) Pastor's Pick
           6) Top Truck
           7) Top Car 
           8) “Schultz Cup” – Best of Show (The Top Vote Receiver is based on a calculated ratio formula. 
                                                                 Please refer to the "Awards" page or below for more information)

           Annual Car Show Award Package
           This is a trophy, but a raffled off trophy. Refer to our "Awards' page for details on this award.


Q:    What is the Schultz Cup?

A:    Since our show coordinator makes all of the trophies by hand, he designs a custom cobalt blue trophy
        bowl that is custom made. This is our only award that is not handmade, but is hand designed. This award
        is given to the owner of the vehicle that collects the most participant votes at the show. 

        This award is handled in the following manner"

            •   A vehicle can only win the Schultz Cup once in its lifetime.
            •   This award be used as a “Best of Show” Award
            •   It will be awarded to the vehicle that receives the most votes based on the ratio of entries per category
                at the event. Please refer to the note below for more information.
            •   In the event of a tie, the show coordinator will cast the deciding vote to determine a winner.
            •   In the event that the winning vehicle has previously won this award, then the vehicle with the second 
                most votes will receive the award.  
            •   In the rare event that several of the top vote receivers have won the award in the past, we will continue
                through the top votes until we identify a vehicle that has not previously won the award.

        NOTE:  All categories are considered for this award. While we understand that the categories with the lower
        registration counts will have higher participant votes (like motorcycles and tractors), we have created a 
        formula that considers the number of entries in each category and fairly determines a winner based on a
        count and total vote ratio within each category type (cars, trucks, etc.). Be assured that all categories are 
        fairly evaluated and run through our formula to determine the precise winner of this award.

Q:    How does your award presentation process work?

A:    Our awards process is as follows:

            •   Participant voting sheets must be turned in by 12:00pm. This gives you a good few hours to vote
                on your favorite vehicles. Those folks that arrive after registration closes at 9:30am assumes the 
                risk of their vehicle not receiving votes.
            •   By no later than 2:00pm we will start announcing the awards. 
            •   We will announce on the PA system at least 5-10 minutes before the award's start time.
            •   Award winners will be announced one every 20 seconds. Winners will collect their awards and get 
                their photo taken when they arrive to collect their award inside the Community Building. This ensures 
                a steady and expedient flow of the presentation process.
            •   For the photos, we will attempt either a group photo of five winners or do them individually. These will
                be taken inside as your collect your award.
              •   For the Specialty Awards, these will be awarded outside in person with the prominent town employee
                who is tied to the award as the presenter.  Example: The Fire Chief will present the "Fire Chief's
                Pick" award, etc.